Kabocha ni Onegai - 1997.10.12

Title Kabocha ni Onegai
Date 1997 10.12
Songs none
Host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)
Guest none

This is the start of Sakurai Tomo's new radio show.

The first corner was "kabocha no himitsu" (secret of the pumpkin). In this corner, Tomo will read various psychological tests to find out some personal secrets. Tomo was given a sheet of questions (without the answers), and she took the test.

Q: What kind of bag are you using?
Tomo: I use a big black bag. I need a big bag because I go jogging, and I put my clothes inside. I don't choose the bag for the fashion. I like to use the same bag all the time.

Q: Magazines?
Tomo: I read them, but I don't buy them. I read them when I go to the dentist.

Q: Letters?
Tomo: I don't write letters recently. I get a lot, and I save them in a big box in my room.

Q: Drawer of desk?
Tomo: I have my underwear in the top. Sometimes I have to clean it up in the middle of the night.

The answers were bag = boy friend, magazines = friends, letters = parents, drawer = own heart.

The next corner was "hagaki butoukai", where Tomo reads letters. But since this was the first week, there weren't any letters so Tomo just talked.

The next corner was "countdown hero", where people choose the top songs that fit a particular topic.

Tomo said that she got a driver's license recently, and got her own car. She went on a drive by herself, and went to the sea. Then she stopped the car and listened to music.

Tomo chose the songs that fit "driving"..
3. Shizumanai Fune (Sakurai Tomo)
2. Kokoro ni Chotto Amamori (Sakurai Tomo)
1. Fantillusion (a Disney song)

On the 10/26 broadcast , they will air a special looking back at the 10 years of Tomo's career.

The address for sending letters is:


Sakurai Tomo no Kabocha ni Onegai
Akasaka P.O. Box 4
Minato, Tokyo 107

[Kabocha ni Onegai]

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2024-05-19 20:08:42 +0900