Kabocha ni Onegai - 1998.03.08

Title Kabocha ni Onegai
Date 1998 03.08
Songs Montage (Makihara Noriyuki)
Host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)
Guest none

Tomo wondered if the guys are all getting ready for white day..

The psychological test was aimed at girls.
Your boy friend gave you a box. This box has the evil spirit that will get in the way of our love. You have to hide the box. Where do you hide it?
A - bookshelf
B - closet
C - bury it in the yard
D - behind the mirror of the dressor

Tomo answered "B".
This determines what you are willing to sacrifice for your love:
A - work
B - family
C - social status
D - yourself

Tomo said that even though she picked B, she probably couldn't throw away her family.

Then Tomo read letters for the "hagaki butoukai" corner.

Tomo talked about the various bento that she eats when she rides the shinkansen.

Tomo said that she had tried sending postcards for various drawings, and she had won before. For last year's Tomo Natsu concert, she received the postcard with her own picture on it.

Then Tomo played "Montage" by Makihara Noriyuki, that she listens to a lot recently.

Tomo said that she started the rehearsals for their spring play.

[Kabocha ni Onegai]

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2024-05-19 21:11:18 +0900