L Joshi Gakuen Houshoushitsu - 1996.05.24

Title L女子学園放送室
Aired 1996 05.24
Drama Jajauma Quartet episode 2
Hosts Hikami Kyoko (氷上恭子)
Yonezawa Momo

1st period - English

Kyoko and Momo read some letters about some English related things. There was a listener who sent a list of English words/names that sound very strange when translated literally to Japanese.

2nd period - broadcast drama

The drama was Jajauma Quartet episode 2.

3rd period - class meeting

Kyoko and Momo read some letters from listeners, who had some problems, and Momo and Kyoko tried to give advice.

[L Joshi Gakuen]

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2024-05-19 19:26:57 +0900