プクプク・ペンギン・パーク - 1996.06.16

Bud Girl no Dokuhaku (Iwao Junko)
Shuugakushou (Ikezawa Haruna)
Junko said that she would try to do this broadcast without talking about food.

Junko: The other day I got my palm read. I've always been thinking about it, but I've always been scared. But I went the other day. I was told that I will live very long.

Then Haruna looked at Junko's hand, and said that Junko's life-line was very long.

Junko: But I'm also very careless so I was told that I will get in accidents and such. She said that it would be something that comes from above.
Haruna: So asteroids or birds that have fallen asleep..
Junko: She told me to be careful when I walk near a construction site.
Haruna: But if you just keep looking in the sky, you'll trip and fall..

Haruna: Did you know that there is a machine in the game centers that will read your palm? You just stick your hand in, and it reads your palm like a copy machine.
Junko: Let's go try it. But doesn't the lines on the hand change?
Haruna: Yes, it does change. I've got a new line recently, and people tell me that it's a good luck one.
Junko: I have a mole that came out about three years ago.

Then Junko and Haruna read some letters.

Haruna had never commuted a long way for her schools. Her schools had always been close to her house, so she never had to ride trains. She was jealous of her friends who could go shopping or eating after school (on the way home).

When Junko came to Tokyo, she stayed at a relative's house for about a month, and had to commute to her junior high. She had to ride the crowded trains with all of the workers.

Then they played Bud Girl no Dokuhaku by Iwao Junko, which was an image song for Mahou Tsukai Tai. The Aikawa Akane CD single was released on 6/12.

Junko and Haruna read some more letters. They had received a lot of letters from people who had seen Junko on the Star Bowling. Many people commented about how slow her ball was.

Junko said that she hadn't fallen, or forgotten anything, or made mistakes recently. She's getting afraid that something really bad might happen.

They played Shuugakushou by Ikezawa Haruna, which is on her album Sweetie.

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2024-05-19 15:47:52 +0900