瑠璃色アクアリウム - 1996.01.05

Wagaya ha Nandaka Hawaiian (Inoue Kikuko)
Kisetsu Hazure no Sora (Matono Mitsuaki)
Kikuko: Hoping there will be a lot of happiness to everyone in the world.

Kikuko: Happy New Year! I'm Inoue Kikuko. I might say foolish things again this year, but please cheer for me too.

Then she went onto the oneechan ni kike corner.

Q: How can you determine if the food sample is real or a fake?
Kikuko: I don't know either. I'm sorry. But you're not supposed to look too closely at it. The feeling (ecstasy) that I get when I touch a real one is so great.

Q (by a boy): I've never been confessed to by a girl, but there have been many times when I have by a boy. What can I do about this?
Kikuko: I think this is ok. The guys like you, right? Well, I like girls a lot.. I think it's great for people to be liked by someone of the same sex. I like guys that are liked by guys. I don't like guys who aren't liked by guys but are liked by girls. Just because guys like you doesn't mean that girls won't like you. So you don't have to worry about it.

Then because it was the new year, and there are many people who go to Hawaii for the holidays, she played Wagaya ha Nandaka Hawaiian from her album.

They had a special corner, Inoue Kikuko Plans for 1996 .

Kikuko: There are many things that I want to do this year. I've always wanted to take voice lessons, but I've been too busy. But this year I want to go.
Kikuko: Also I say this every year, funwari nonbiri (softly leisurely). I'm doing so much work that it isn't leisurely any more. But this year I'm going to change it to funwari nobinobi (softly carefree). So I want to be more carefree.
Kikuko: I've had too much work in the last couple years, so I'm going to reduce my work. I don't think I can keep going at this pace. I will still do voice work and treat it very importantly, but I want to limit it. I don't want to be carried along with the crowd. When I'm walking in a crowded place like Shibuya or Ikebukuro, even when I want to go straight, if there is too much of a crowd going sideways, I get swept along with the crowd before I notice it. Even when I'm driving, if it's too crowded I can't turn, I just keep going straight. Doesn't that happen to you?
Kikuko: I have to write my target for this year! There is a paper and brush pen here. I'll write it in katakana. スキップ, スキップ, ランランラン (skip skip ran ran ran).
Kikuko: This means.. when going through life, I don't want to walk or run. I want to skip. Skipping is fun. If I walk, I'll keep looking down. I don't want to keep looking down. If I skip, I will be looking up at the sky and singing. It's a little faster than walking, but it's not as tiresome as running.

Then Kikuko read a story for the theater aquarium corner.

Then Kikuko played Kisetsu Hazure no Sora by Matono Mitsuaki, from the Ninku 2 album.

Kikuko: We haven't done an oi oi in a long time. I'm sorry, I don't make many mistakes.. Since this is the first broadcast of the year, let's all do an oi oi .

Kikuko: I hope everyone can have the skip skip ran ran ran feeling. Please cheer for me and this radio program this year too. Good-night.

[Ruri Iro Aquarium]

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2024-05-17 17:29:17 +0900