アニメスクランブル - 1995.11.24

Hayashibara Megumi (林原めぐみ)
Mizutani Yuko (水谷優子)
Zettai Aete Yokatta (Yoshimura Maki)
Hello (Drink) [Drink = H. Megumi, M. Yuko]
The anime H2 will have a new OP and new ED. The ED song is Zettai Aete Yokatta by Yoshimura Maki, and the OP song is Back to the Ground . Then they played the ED song.

The guest this week was Drink . Drink was the two person group made up by Hayashibara Megumi and Mizutani Yuko.

It had been three years since Drink formed, at an event for Compiler. The name came from the idol group Wink who was popular at that time. Drink tried to copy Wink, in the way that they sang. The two Wink girls never smiled when they sang, so Drink tried to do the same.

In Compiler, Mizutani Yuko did Assembler, and Hayashibara Megumi did Tendouji Megumi. They were fierce rivals after the same boy. The reason these two formed a group was because they wanted to see how it would turn out if the two fought and sang together.

Mizutani Yuko said that she was in some other two people groups. Mipple , a group with Orikasa Ai, was going to get back together to sing a song on a CD. Also she will team up with Akahori Satoru to form Osaru Kerokero to sing a song.

Then they played Hello by Drink from the new Compiler CD.

[Anime Scramble]

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2024-05-19 14:56:51 +0900