Shiny Night - 1996.05.18

Anatani Stand By (Interrupt Girls)
Gun Smith Cats Rally and Company 3
Aya received letters saying that there were little kids listening to her radio show. There was even an 80 year old grandmother listening.

Aya announced that there will be a public recording for this radio show on 6/22, at the Yotsuya Bunka Housou Dai 5 Studio. They will show Future GPX Cyber Formula. There will be some Cyber Formula seiyuu guests.

The Gun Smith Cats drama will end in June, and the new drama will be Cyber Formula.

Aya played Anatani Stand By by Interrupt Girls. Interrupt Girls are Yokoyama Chisa, Shinohara Emi, and Miwa Shiori. They are the seiyuu in a seiyuu simulation game.

The drama was Gun Smith Cats Rally and Company episode 3.

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2024-05-19 18:51:32 +0900