少コミNIGHT - 1997.02.02

Asou Kaori (麻生かほ理)
Harmony (Asou Kaori, Iwao Junko) [recorded at event]
Nakanai Weekend (Iwao Junko)
Junko: There wasn't anything, but I cut my hair. More than 10 cm. I wasn't planning on cutting that much. I'm still not used to this hair, so when I look at myself in the mirror, I'm a little surprised. But I'm still the same.

As a special guest, Asou Kaori came.

Junko went to Kaori's live because Junko had a day off that day. She spent the whole day with Kaori, and even participated in the live a little bit. Kaori and Junko sang Harmony together.

Then they played the song (which was recorded in at the event) in the background. When they got to the part where Junko sang, Junko started talking..

Junko said that she was even more nervous than her own concert.

Kaori will have a musical in Nagoya called She Loves Me , that starts on 3/2, and lasts for about one month.

Junko said that she still hasn't decided on the order of the songs for her concert. She keeps changing her mind.

After Kaori left, Junko read some letters. A new listener asked about the Boku ha 32 gram song. So Junko explained that she bought a hamster (Guu-chan), and it was 14 grams. But Guu-chan kept growing and growing, and became 32 grams. So Junko made a song about Guu-chan.

Junko said that she tries to use her shampoo and rinse at the same pace, but she has never had the two bottles empty at the same time.

Then Junko read some more letters and sang, for the "iwaou" corner.

For the "kaeuta" corner, Junko sang the original song, Boku ha 32 gram .

Then Junko played Nakanai Weekend , from her Hajimemashite CD.

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2024-05-19 18:21:34 +0900