Shou Comi Night - 1998.02.15

Boku ha 32 Gram (Iwao Junko)
Sakamichi (Iwao Junko)
Iwao Junko said that she got a present, baby clothes, from a listener. She said that she had no plans for having a baby yet.

Junko got a few "complaints" from listeners who had their names and pen names read wrong by her. Junko apologized to everyone.

Junko got some letters from people who saw her on the "Yuusho Banzai" TV show (a cooking show that aired on 2/5). Everyone said that Junko looked very nervous, and was looking down most of the time. Junko said that she did look at the camera, but they showed the close ups of the food at those times.

Junko said that she had delivered newspapers for one year, as a replacement for someone who had to take time off after having a baby.

There was a question asking about the age difference between Junko and her husband. Junko said that she got asked that a lot, so she decided to tell everyone. Junko is 27 and Harukichi is 37. She said that she was surprised when she found out how different they were. But Junko said that the difference in age doesn't matter.

Just when Junko thought that they were going into a commercial, the staff came in with a cake and champagne. It was a wedding and birthday cake.

Then Junko read letters and sang for the "iwaou" and "kaeuta" corners. Junko also sang the original Boku ha 32 Gram song too.

Junko played Sakamichi from her debut album Hajimemashite .

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