To Heart - 1998.06.19

The first corner was "heart ni smash", and Machiko read a lot of letters.

Machiko said that her first video clip, Minimum , will go on sale 6/20.

Machiko said that she wanted to make a corner for girls by girls, to try to increase the number of female fans. But the director said no. But then he said that he would allow it if they got 100 letters from girls.

The next corner was the Machiko instruction manual, with the theme "using the controller".

The next corner was "Machiko no dei", and Machiko read some letters about bishoujo games.

The next corner was "Machirin's ai". Machiko said that she went to an audition the other day. She's always nervous before going to auditions. This time she studied the original stories and practiced a lot before going to the audition. For many other auditions, she is given the character information on the spot, so she doesn't have enough time to develop her character. But this time Machiko prepared a lot and felt that she did her best.

Machiko said that she was buying a lot of clothes recently, to wear at events.

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2024-05-19 19:56:40 +0900