To Heart - 1998.08.14

Machiko said that she went to an all you can eat sushi store.

In the "heart ni smash" corner, Machiko announced the name of her bicycle. She chose "Ichigo".

There was a question from a listener who asked if he should keep the old love letters that he got. Machiko said that she keeps the love letter that she received.

Then the next corner was the "betsu uri hin" (items sold separately) of the Machiko manual.

Machiko said that she wasn't that bad at mahjong..

Machiko said that the "sabrina pants" are in fashion this year, but she can't wear them. The "sabrina pants" are like cut off shorts, which go down below the knees. Machiko said that her legs are pretty fat there so she doesn't look good in them.

The next theme for this corner was "please do this if you think it is broken".

The next corner was "Machiko no dei", and Machiko gave out some information about To Heart. Some of the cast information has leaked out in some magazines, but Machiko read out the ones that have been announced.

Then Machiko announced that she is not doing any of the heroine roles..

The next corner was "Machirin's ai". Machiko said she is busy recently with events every Sunday. But she get rejuvenated when she drinks fresh fruit juice at the subway station. Machiko likes cold banana milk juice.

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2024-05-19 19:56:30 +0900