井上喜久子のトワイライトシンドローム - 1995.05.19

Shunbin Musume no Yuuutsu (Inoue Kikuko)
Subway (Peter Murphy)
Kikuko said that there are two types of people who ride elevators. One type will go to the buttons. She is that type. She likes to pretend that she is an elevator girl. She likes to push the open button when someone is getting off. Then she likes to push the close button when that person has gotten off. She hasn't done it yet, but she would like to ask what floor a person wants to get off when someone comes into an elevator.

Kikuko read a lot of letters about scary movies.
[off on a tangent]
Kikuko said that the most scariest people are those that look normal , but do the crazy things.

[off on another tangent]
Kikuko: Let's try not to eat brains..

Kikuko played Shunbin Musume no Yuuutsu , by Inoue Kikuko. She had gotten a lot of letters saying that this song fits her image.

Kikuko read a lot of letters about scary stories about people's schools.
[off on a tangent]
Kikuko is not very good at saying words with a lot of さ, し, す, せ, そ [sa, shi, su, se, so], for example 手術室 [shujutsushitsu].

Then Kikuko played Peter Murphy's Subway .

[Twilight Syndrome]

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2024-05-11 21:24:40 +0900