Voogie’s Angel - 1996.02.18

Motto Motto Radical Fight (Angels)
Dennou Sentai Voogie's Angel episode 10
Kotono: I just got back from Bali Island!
Kotono: I went to Hawaii during the new year holiday with my family. Then I went to Okinawa to take pictures for the CD. I also went to Hakuba (a ski resort) for Say You Club. Then I went to Bali for Say You Club. At the end of this month, I'll go to Okinawa for the photo essay shooting.

Kotono and Shocker Ohno read a lot of letters. (new weapons for the Angels corner)

Someone suggested that Rebecca ride a motorcycle. Then Kotono said that she used to ride a motorcycle too.

Then they played Motto Motto Radical Fight by the Angels.

Kotono and Shocker Ohno read some more letters. (new sentai corner)

Shocker Ohno's blood type is AB. Kotono's is A (AO combination).

Shocker: Is your room clean?
Kotono: Very messy. I have clothes all over. Since I'm going to wear it anyway, I should leave it out.
Shocker: That's very practical.
Kotono: My own room is very messy, but when I'm outside, I like things to be neat. When I go to the studio I like to wash the cups and such.
Shocker: Maybe you like to do things for others.
Kotono: Maybe.. That sounds good, doesn't it.

Then they had the Voogie's Angel drama episode 10 .

[Dennou Sentai Voogie's Angel radio]

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2024-05-19 21:05:35 +0900