Shibahara Chiyako CDs

Some of the CDs that Chiyako has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Chiyako has not released any solo CDs.

Miscellaneous CDs

Chiyako appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

1996 08.21 Cream Soda and Gimlet CD Cocktail volume 1 Talk/Song
1997 07.21 Hyper Police CD drama (COCC-14290) Talk
1998 01.24 Radish Roxs First Impact Song/Talk
1998 08.21 Way To Go Song/Talk
1999 01.21 Love -Hadaka no Kokoro- [Radish Rox] Song

CD Singles

Chiyako appears (sings/talks) in the following CD singles.

1997 06.21 Hold Up! (CODC-1267) Song

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