Tachibana Hikari CDs

Some of the CDs that Hikari has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Hikari has released the following solo CDs.

2000 10.04 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Blooming Stories 3 (KMCM-3) Song

Miscellaneous CDs

Hikari appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

1997 04.18 Digital Ange Dennou Tenshi SS Talk
1999 12.23 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Vocal Tracks (KMCA-39) Song
2000 02.00 High School Aura Buster Himitsu no Tekken! Special CD (8SSX122) Talk
2000 05.10 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Vocal Tracks 2 (KMCA-56) Song
2001 03.21 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Vocal Tracks 3 (KMCA-88) Song
2001 08.29 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Vocal Tracks 4 (KMCA-115) Song
2002 05.22 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Vocal Tracks 5 (KMCA-157) Song

CD Singles

Hikari appears (sings/talks) in the following CD singles.

1997 12.18 Grandia reservation special CD talk

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