Takahashi Naozumi CDs

Some of the CDs that Naozumi has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Naozumi has released the following solo CDs.

2002 03.21 Kiss You (KECH-1208) Song

Miscellaneous CDs

Naozumi appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

1997 11.10 Seiyuu Grand Prix Special CD 97 Talk
1998 02.21 Level-C West End & G2 (MMCM-3003) Talk
1999 08.26 Ani Raji GPX Special CD 99 Talk
2004 03.21 Growlanser IV volume 1 (FCCT-0012) Talk
2004 04.23 Growlanser IV volume 2 (FCCT-0013) Talk
2004 11.10 Stella Deus Another Legend (SVWC-7220) Talk

CD Singles

Naozumi appears (sings/talks) in the following CD singles.

1998 04.24 Never Surrender [ASR] (KIDS-378) Song
1999 07.23 Natsuiro no Tsubasa (KIDA-182) Song

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