Yuushoku Banzai

Program Dou Natteruno?! (Yuushoku Banzai)
Date 1995 08.14 - 1995.08.17
Time 11:00 - 11:08
Seiyuu guests 08.14 - Yokoyama Chisa (横山智佐)
08.15 - Matsumoto Rica (松本梨香)
08.16 - Hayashibara Megumi (林原めぐみ)
08.17 - Tarako

There is a cooking corner called Yuushoku Banzai (夕食ばんざい) in the TV program Dou Natteruno?! (どう〜なってるの?!). This corner is only about 7 minutes long, and the guests show how they cook one dish. During 8/14 to 8/17, they had some seiyuu guests.

They cooked the following.

08.14 Yokyama Chisa (横山智差) Tiramisu (ティラミス)
08.15 Matsumoto Rica (松本梨香) Stamina omlettes (スタミナオムレツ)
08.16 Hayashibara Megumi (林原めぐみ) Fried pork (豚肉のゴマ香り揚げ)
08.17 Tarako Rice soup (おかゆ)

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