TV Champion - 2005.09.15

Program TV Champion
Akiba Ou Senshuken
Date 2005 09.15
Seiyuu Inoue Kikuko (井上喜久子)
Hisakawa Aya (久川綾)
Shimizu Ai (清水愛)

On the September 15, 2005 broadcast of TV Champion, the theme was "Akiba Ou Senshuken" (King of Akihabara).

Several otaku competed in Akihabara to become the king. There were various otaku questions, and there were some seiyuu guests for some of the questions. The seiyuu that appeared were Inoue Kikuko, Hisakawa Aya, and Shimizu Ai.

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2024-05-19 21:44:35 +0900