8 Gatsu no Cinderella Nine Enchousen

Program 8 Gatsu no Cinderella Nine Enchousen
Air Date 2020 09.27
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=tbQ1040jv6I
Seiyuu Nishida Nozomi (西田望見)
Kondou Reina (近藤玲奈)
Minami Saki
Inoue Honoka
Kusunoki Tomori (楠木ともり)
narration Nakamura Eriko

On September 27, 2020, there was a 30 minute seiyuu special for the TV anime 8 Gatsu no Cinderella Nine. The video was also uploaded to youtube on 9/29.

The seiyuu participating were Nishida Nozomi, Kondou Reina, Minami Saki, Inoue Honoka, and Kusunoki Tomori. Narration by Nakamura Eriko.

The seiyuu were in a classroom setting, with some large clear partitions separating the seiyuu.

They gave some information on episode 13, which they are making now. There will be a new character, voiced by Kusunoki Tomori.

In the last half, there was a batting corner by the seiyuu. They set up a batting cage in the classroom, and everyone had to hit the ball within three pitches. If everyone succeeds, they would get a dessert. They all hit the ball, so they got the dessert.

At the end, they announced that there will be a "Hachi Sama 5" event, Hachinai Spring Live 2021, in the spring of 2021.

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2024-05-20 05:34:20 +0900