Animemashite - 2016.12.19

Program Animemashite (アニメマシテ)
Date 2016 12.19
Hosts Komatsu Mikako
Murakawa Rie
Narration Tamura Mutsumi
Guest Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)
Video Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (松岡禎丞)
Uchida Aya (内田彩)
Yuzuki Ryouka (柚木涼香)
Hikasa Youko (日笠陽子)
Sakura Ayane (佐倉綾音)
Hara Yumi
Murakawa Rie

The hosts for the December 19, 2016 broadcast of Animemashite were Komatsu Mikako and Murakawa Rie. The seiyuu guest was Hata Sawako.

First, there was a short talk by Mikako and Rie. A couple minutes later, Sawako came as a guest. They all sat on chairs and talked, in a room with a totally white background. Sawako was wearing a dark blue and green long sleeve one piece.

The guest corner was around 7 minutes long, and most of the talk was about the anime Battle Spirits Double Drive, and her character Eto.

They talked about the recording of Battle Spirits. Sawako said that many of the other seiyuu had been in previous Battle Spirits series, so it was like joining a family. But she had a two hour cheese fondue party with Mutsumi, and that made her feel like part of the family.

As for her character Eto, the director told Sawako to make her unworldly. They didn't want Eto to be like a normal girl.

Sawako used to be an idol before, and was asked why she became a seiyuu. Sawako said that both of her parents worked, so when she was little "anime" was her friend. When she was in junior high school, the vocational experience that she went to was a seiyuu school, and that's when she learned that there were seiyuu schools.

When she was in college, Sawako went to a seiyuu school for one and a half years. But she had to quit because she became too busy with her idol work. Then she went to seiyuu school for one more year after her idol work.

Since being a seiyuu was something she always wanted to do, all the work she is doing now is very fun.

Sawako's final message was about Battle Spirits.

After the guest corner, there was about 5 minutes of questions for Mikako. The questions for Rie will be aired the following week.

Then there was a 6 minute video interview by some seiyuu from the anime Trinity Seven. The seiyuu who participated were Matsuoka Yoshitsugu, Uchida Aya, Yuzuki Ryouka, Hikasa Youko, Sakura Ayane, Hara Yumi, Murakawa Rie.

At the end, there was a short talk by Mikako and Rie.

This was the first week for Mikako and Rie.
They were also the hosts the following week .


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