Buzz Rhythm 02 - 2017.12.22

program Buzz Rhythm 02
air date 2017 12.22
seiyuu Inami Anju (伊波杏樹)
Saitou Shuka (斉藤朱夏)
Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)
Kobayashi Aika (小林愛香)
Furihata Ai (降幡愛)
Takatsuki Kanako (高槻かなこ)
Suwa Nanaka (諏訪ななか)
Komiya Arisa (小宮有紗)
Suzuki Aina (鈴木愛奈)

The seiyuu group Aqours (アクア) was a guest on the December 22, 2017 broadcast of the TV show Buzz Rhythm 02.

Aqours sang "Mirai no Bokura ha Shitteru yo!" the short version.

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2024-05-08 10:07:13 +0900