Anison Premium - 2020.03.08

program Anison Premium
air date 2020 03.08
channel NHK
host Terashima Takuma
Uchida Shuu (内田秀)
video report Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai
Aqours (アクア)
Muse (μ's)

On the 3/8 broadcast of Anison Premium, there was a 6 minute video report on the Love Live Fes event. The hosts of this broadcast were Terashima Takuma and Uchida Shuu.

The Love Live video report was narrated by Sagara Mayu. There were short interview and concert clips for each group.

The first group was Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai. Aguri and Mayu did most of the talking.

The second group was Aqours and Saint Snow. Anju did most of the talking.

The last group was Muse. Emi and Yoshino talked the most.

At the very end, there was a video of all 29 performers on the stage.

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2024-05-19 06:52:40 +0900