EXITV - 2021.01.14

program EXITV
air date 2021 01.14
seiyuu Uchida Maaya (内田真礼)

EXITV is a variety show hosted by the comedian group EXIT. Uchida Maaya was a guest on the 1/14 broadcast. This was the first broadcast of 2021. Maaya was also a guest on the 12/17 broadcast .

Maaya said she's not that good at dancing, and this year she wants to get better.

Maaya brought some odango that she likes, and they ate some.

Maaya said she likes to take photos. She also likes to have her photo taken. The she showed how to take good selfies.

In the after recording corner, Maaya did the role of a boy.

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2024-05-19 13:13:41 +0900