Nep League

program Nep League
air date 2021 09.27
seiyuu Shimono Hiro
Uchida Aya (内田彩)
Okiayu Ryoutarou (置鮎龍太郎)
Morikubo Shoutarou
Fukuyama Jun

The 9/27 broadcast of the variety quiz show Nep League was a special with several seiyuu. The seiyuu guests were Shimono Hiro, Uchida Aya, Okiayu Ryoutarou, Morikubo Shoutarou, and Fukuyama Jun.

The seiyuu (along with some non-seiyuu) formed one team, and competed against another team. During the show, the seiyuu were asked to do various voices of their characters. At the end, the seiyuu team won.

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2024-05-21 12:39:42 +0900