Buzz Rhythm 02 - 2022.11.25

program Buzz Rhythm 02
air date 2022 11.25
seiyuu Date Sayuri (伊達さゆり)
Liyuu (リーユウ)
Misaki Nako (岬なこ)
Payton Naomi (ペイトン尚未)
Aoyama Nagisa (青山なぎさ)
Suzuhara Nozomi (鈴原希実)
Yabushima Akane (藪島朱音)
Ohkuma Wakana (大熊和奏)
Emori Aya (絵森彩)

The group Liella was a guest on the November 25, 2022 broadcast of the TV show Buzz Rhythm 02.

They sang "We Will" in the Koko ni Chuumoku Buzz Point corner.

There was a very short introduction of Liella just before the song.

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2024-05-08 01:32:49 +0900