Say You Club

Show 声遊 (Say You) 倶楽部 (club)
Station TV Tokyo (channel 12)
When Thursday, 17:00 - 17:30
Regulars Mitsuishi Kotono (三石琴乃)
Yamadera Kouichi (山寺宏一)
Piipers (ピーパーズ)
OP1 (1995 10.05 - 1995.12.28) Anataninaritai (Mitsuishi Kotono)
あなたになりたい (三石琴乃)
OP2 (1996 01.04 - 1996.03.28) Akirekaeruhodo (Mitsuishi Kotono)
あきれかえるほど (三石琴乃)
ED Nippon no Mirai (Rururu)
NIPPON の未来 (るるる)

Say You Club was the first TV program that featured seiyuu as themselves. It wasn't tied into any anime or drama. This program was hosted by the two seiyuu Mitsuishi Kotono and Yamadera Kouichi, and there were seiyuu guests almost every week. In addition, there was a group of young seiyuu, called the Piipers who acted as the assistants.

The program consisted of a talk corner with the guest, a song (or some skit or acting) by the guest, and some corners featuring the Piipers. Also they read some letters from the viewers.

The LDs and videos of this TV series, which also included some extra footage that wasn't aired, came out in the spring of 1996.

The guests of the TV show were as follows.

ep date seiyuu guests
1 1995.10.05 Hidaka Noriko (日高のり子)
2 1995 10.12 Nozawa Masako (野沢雅子)
3 1995.10.19 Shiratori Yuri (白鳥由里)
4 1995 10.26 Tanaka Mayumi (田中真弓)
5 1995 11.02 Tominaga Miina (冨永み〜な)
6 1995 11.09 Utsumi Kenji (内海賢二)
7 1995 11.16 Tomizawa Michie (富沢美智恵)
8 1995 11.23 Kikuchi Masami (菊池正美)
9 1995 11.30 Hikami Kyoko (氷上恭子)
10 1995 12.07 Yao Kazuki (矢尾一樹)
11 1995 12.14 Matsumoto Rica (松本梨香)
12 1995 12.21 Inoue Kazuhiko (井上和彦)
13 1995 12.28 [collection of previous broadcasts]
14 1996 01.04 Yamaguchi Kappei (山口勝平)
15 1996 01.11 Yoshida Konami (吉田古奈美) [pre-empted, and aired on 01.12]
16 1996.01.18 Kusachi Fumie (草地章江)
17 1996 01.25 Iwanaga Tetsuya (岩永哲哉)
18 1996 02.01 [at ski resort]
19 1996 02.08 Kanai Mika (かないみか) [at ski resort]
20 1996 02.15 Araki Kae (荒木香恵)
21 1996.02.22 Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)
22 1996 02.29 Kawamura Maria (川村万梨阿)
23 1996.03.07 Watanabe Kumiko (渡辺久美子), Nogami Yukana (野上ゆかな)
24 1996 03.14 Watanabe Kumiko (渡辺久美子), Nogami Yukana (野上ゆかな)
25 1996 03.21 Furukawa Toshio
26 1996 03.28  

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