2000 Natsu no Uki Uki Tour DX

2000 Natsu no Uki Uki Tour DX
released 2000.10.00
7500 yen

This DVD+CD package contains video and audio of the 2000 summer concert by Inoue Kikuko (井上喜久子) .

The set comes in a cardboard box, with pictures of Kikuko on the front and back. The inside of the box has a full body picture of Kikuko in her "17 Sai" outfit.

The set contains two CDs, one DVD, and a lyrics booklet (which has a lot of pictures).

The CDs contain almost the full concert (2000.07.09). Since Kikuko talked too much during the concert, the last 5 minutes or so didn't fit on the two CDs.

The DVD contains heavily edited clips from the concert. There are also some "making of" clips on the DVD.

Live CD 1 has 18 tracks.

Live CD 2 has 13 tracks.

DVD has 4 tracks.

[Sorry, I don't feel like typing in the track list..]

I was only interested in the DVD, but it turned out to be a big disappointment. It's been edited too much. I would like to have seen a video of the concert itself, without all of the cuts and edits. There are many "making of" scenes scattered all over the DVD.

The picture quality doesn't seem that good either. (But I only watched it on a computer screen, not a TV screen.)

H.Doi's opinion

My very biased opinion is that if you are a hard core Inoue Kikuko fan, this is a must have DVD. But if you aren't, this isn't a good buy. I wish they would have sold the DVD and CDs separately.

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2024-05-19 16:56:53 +0900