Lemon Angel Valentine Aid in Harajuku

レモンエンジェル ロマンチックメモリー1
Lemon Angel Valentine Aid in Harajuku

Soeishinsha 35L001 (VHS)
3500 yen
released 1988.??.??
approximately 30 minutes

This is the concert video of the Lemon Angel mini-concert held in Harajuku on 1988.02.14.

The selections are as follows.

  1. Introduction (Arrival)
  2. たそがれロンリー (Twilight Lonely)
  3. 都会のエンジェル (City Angel) (Miki solo)
  4. インディアンサマー (Indian Summer) (Erika lead)
  5. いちごのボーイ (Strawberry Boy) (Tomo solo)
  6. 星のオルゴール (Star Music Box) (Miki solo)
  7. 天使はエスケープ (Angel Escape)
  8. たそがれロンリー (Twilight Lonely) (Encore)

The Lemon Angel members are Sakurai Tomo (桜井智) , Shima Erika, Emoto Miki.

[information provided by Gary L. Blickhan]

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2024-05-19 16:54:45 +0900