
Sakurai Tomo
10th Anniversary Special Concert

Pony Canyon PCLP-00691 (LD)
Pony Canyon PCVP-52145 (VHS)
6720 yen (LD/VHS)
released 1997.07.02
approximately 90 minutes

This video contains the concert of 1997.04.03, by Sakurai Tomo (桜井智) .

The selections are titled as follows.

  1. Overture
  2. 冒険の数だけ (Only Adventure's Number)
  3. 恋のレシピは大胆不敵 (Love's Recipe Is Audacity)
  4. 笑っちゃうけどスキ (I Like You Although You Laugh)
  5. Baby, Baby
  6. 私の彼はパイロット (My Boyfriend Is a Pilot)
  7. 天使の絵の具 (Angel Paints)
  8. 天使のトランペット (Angel Trumpet)
  9. 天使はエスケープ (Angel Escape)
  10. 第一級恋愛罪 (Love in the First Degree) (Dancing Only)
  11. 夢見てコミューニケーション (Dreaming Communication) (Dancing Only)
  12. GT夏少年 (GT Summer Boy)
  13. たそがれロンリー (Twilight Lonely)
  14. 太陽をあげたい (Want to Give the Sun)
  15. 約束 (Promise)
  16. 夜汽車は何処へ (Where Is the Night Train Going?)
  17. 君忘れじのマンハッタン・ジルバ (Your Forgotten Manhattan Jitterbug)
  18. 希望 -これから (Hope -After This)
  19. 春は来る (Spring Will Come)
  20. ひとつまみのスパイス (One Pinch of Spice)
  21. Future Shock
  22. 心臓伝言 -ハートにメッセージ- (Message in the Heart) (Encore)
  23. Don't Forget Me (Encore)
Numbers 8 through 14 are a medley. Number 11 was Tomo-chan's debut song at age 15, which was released later on the Kahou single.

During "Yakusoku" and "Yogisha wa Doko he", Tomo-chan was accompanied by the famous violinist Nakanishi Toshihiro-san, who performed amazing feats with his instrument during the interlude.

During "Kimi Wasureji no Manhattan Jilba", Tomo-chan was accompanied by the famous saxonphonist Suzuki Akio-san.

During the "Don't Forget Me" encore, Tomo-chan was accompanied by both Nakanishi-san and Suzuki-san.

[information provided by Gary L. Blickhan]

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