Watanabe Kumiko CDs

Some of the CDs that Kumiko has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Kumiko has not released any solo CDs.

Miscellaneous CDs

Kumiko appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

1991 11.21 Pathway for Santa Claus -Santa ga kureta okurimono- (MECH-30019) Talk
1995 06.28 Lunar Eternal Blue Lunatic Parade vol 1 (TYCY-5444) Talk
1995 09.13 Lunar Eternal Blue Lunatic Parade vol 2 (TYCY-5452) Talk
1998 04.03 Hanasaki Komachi Girls (KICA-399) Song/Talk
1998 11.27 First Anniversary Akihabara Dennou Gumi (KICA-431) Talk
1999 11.25 Sensei no Ojikan Volume 4 (AVCT-15013) Talk
2000 07.19 Little Princess drama CD (SCDC-00030) Talk

CD Singles

Kumiko appears (sings/talks) in the following CD singles.

1995 01.21 Elles Cinq II: Tiny Heart Talk
1995 01.21 Elles Cinq III: Love Drug Song/Talk
1995 01.21 Elles Cinq IV: Nostalgic Lover Talk
1995 01.21 Elles Cinq V: Tears no Kataomoi Talk

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