
Honeymoon (Furihata Ai)

released 2021.09.29
2800 yen+tax

This CD+bluray+photobook package contains the first solo single by Furihata Ai (降幡愛).

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. ハネムーン
  2. 真夜中のフライト -約束の時刻-
  3. シークレット・シュガー
  4. ハネムーン (Instrumental)
  5. 真夜中のフライト -約束の時刻- (Instrumental)
  6. シークレット・シュガー (Instrumental)
The bluray contains a promo video of "Honeymoon", and some making of video.

Ai wrote the lyrics to all of the songs.

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