Azurlane Koushiki Namahousou

title Azur Lane Koushiki Namahousou
-Kita no Rengou kara 24 Fuyu-
date/time 2024.02.23 20:00-
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Takatsuki Tomohito
Yoshioka Maya

This was a live broadcast for Azurlane. The seiyuu guests were Takatsuka Tomohito and Yoshioka Maya.

This was Maya's first appearance on an Azurlane broadcast. Maya does the voice of Pamiat Merkuria.

They gave out the information on the new event and ships.

UR Soetsky SoyuzTomatsu Haruka
SSR OgnevoyKaho Narumi
SR PoltavaHata Sawako
SR SvirepyMarika
SSR Pamiat Merkuria (meta)Yoshioka Maya

There was an audio message by Tomatsu Haruka.

Then they showed many goods (figures).

At the end, they had a surprise birthday cake for Maya, and the cake was a picture cake of Pamiat Merkuria.

[Azur Lane broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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