Netsuretsu Kangei Wonderland

Netsuretsu Kangei Wonderland

released 2009.05.27
1200 yen

This CD contains the ending song to the TV anime Saki (咲) .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Netsuretsu Kangei Wonderland (熱烈歓迎わんだーらんど)
  2. Zankoku na Negai no Naka de (残酷な願いの中で)
  3. Netsuretsu Kangei Wonderland (instrumental)
  4. Zankoku na Negai no Naka de (instrumental)
"Netsuretsu Kangei Wonderland" by Ueda Kana (植田佳奈) , Koshimizu Ami (小清水亜美) , Kugimiya Rie (釘宮理恵) , Shiraishi Ryouko (白石涼子) , Itou Shizuka (伊藤静) . "Zankoku na Negai no Naka de" by Ueda Kana and Koshimizu Ami.

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2024-05-19 03:41:15 +0900