Famitsu App No.016 iPhone

ファミ通 App NO.016 iPhone

on sale 2014.06.26
630 yen

The cover has a large picture of Kousaka Honoka (Love Live).

There is a 11 page article on Love Live School Idol Festival game, and a large (3 times A4 size), folded, pull out poster of Honoka. The poster is the same as the cover, but it's a full body picture.

There is a 8 page color booklet on the game Girl Friend, as it passed the 5 million user mark. The booklet has several small photos of the seiyuu at various events.

Satou Rina (佐藤利奈) , Harada Hitomi (原田ひとみ) , Mizuhashi Kaori, Nazuka Kaori, Hidaka Rina (日高里菜) , Arakawa Miho.

Kitamura Eri (喜多村英梨) , Shintani Ryouko (新谷良子) , Ishihara Kaori (石原夏織) .

Harada Hitomi (原田ひとみ) , Mizuhashi Kaori, Fujita Saki, Uchiyama Yumi, Ohtsubo Yuka (大坪由佳) .

This magazine comes with a serial code that can be used to get a SR Honoka card . This card has the same picture as the cover and poster.
The code is good until August 25, 2014.

[Love Live School Idol Festival]
[SIF events] [SIF serial codes]
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2024-05-18 22:04:55 +0900