Sakurai Tomo ColleCarA

The set of Sakurai Tomo (桜井智) cards went on sale 1998.08.28. This set is called Sakurai Tomo 12 Melodies .

There are 117 cards in the set (90 normal cards, 24 parallel cards, and 3 special cards). The normal cards are broken up into 10 sets of 9 cards each (so it fits nicely in a 9 card per page card holder). The cards are also numbered by set, not by the entire collection.

The SP cards are thick, 3D cards.

The 10 sets of normal cards are as follows

EC Exotic Carnival
OS Old Port Story
OR Orgel
GL A Glass Mullion
GM Greek Melody
BH Black Hat
NS Night of Sapphire
MB Marselles Blue
LS Love Song
LB Lonley Birthday
SP Specials

The parallel cards are made up of the EC, GL, GM, and NS cards. The parallel cards have a shiny, reflective background, while the normal cards have a normal photo background. The pictures are the same, and the card number on the back is the same too.

With just one box (15 packs of 7 cards), I got only about half of the set. There were many, many duplicates. (;_;)

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2024-05-21 06:27:23 +0900