Where the Foooood 3

title Where the Foooood 3
date 2017 01.22 20:00- (about 2 hours)
cost free + members only
archive www.nicovideo.jp/ watch/ 1485526040
www.nicovideo.jp/ watch/ 1485526161
hosts Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)
Takada Yuuki (高田憂希)

This was the third broadcast of the "cooking show" by Sawako and Yuuki. When the broadcast started, the color was very yellow. But they fixed the white balance in about one minute.

There were be two big announcements at the beginning of the show.

  1. There will be archives of the broadcasts.
  2. There will be a second broadcast every month, for members only.

Sawako and Yuuki were sitting at the same table as before, but the instead of a plain wall in the back, there was a white brick background (wall paper). Sawako said they were broadcasting from England!

Sawako was wearing a pink sweater and red apron. Her hair was in twintails, but not braided.

Yuuki was wearing a white shirt and yellow apron. Her hair was very short (must have had a hair cut).

Sawako said it was Yuuki's turn to cook. They showed the translated recipe, which was in Irish. When sawako saw it, she said it seemed similar to German, which she studied in college.

Then they showed the Japanese translation. The ingredient list was pretty decent, but the instructions were pretty funny.

Yuuki went to the kitchen, and Sawako stayed at the table to read the recipe and the comments from the viewers.

At first, Yuuki prepared the vegetables. Since this was going to take a long time, Sawako read mails from viewers.

Sawako said that she always plays one screen of the game Picross before she sleeps.

While Yuuki was cutting the carrots, she said she wanted to do an event, and let the fans eat their cooking. Sawako wondered if that would be ok with the various rules and regulations..

At around the 55 minute mark, the background wallpaper fell! Sawako said, "They'll find out we're not in England."

At the end of the hour, Yuuki had only finished cutting the vegetables. But they ended the free broadcast.

They said the members only broadcast will start in 5 minutes.

members only broadcast

When the members only broadcast began, Yuuki went back to the kitchen. She started cutting the celery.

Then the staff informed them that they had also put some dummy ingredients on the table. Sawako and Yuuki tried to find out which one was the dummy.

Yuuki finally started cooking the vegetables, while trying to figure out how the original recipe wanted them to cook. Yuuki said that it started to look like cream stew, and it started smelling good.

The wallpaper fell again!

At around 45 minutes into the members only broadcast, Yuuki finished. Sawako tasted it and said it was good. Yuuki said she added some salt and pepper, and topped it with powdered cheese.

The recipe turned out to be "clam chowder".

At the end of the broadcast, they announced that the next broadcast would be on January 28.

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2024-05-20 20:20:22 +0900