Blue Reflection Namabangumi 3

title Gust Channel "Blue Reflection" Namabangumi 3
date/time 2017 03.29 20:00-21:00
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive watch?v=ylPmSZ_T3WA
cost free
seiyuu Kouno Marika (高野麻里佳)
Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

This was the third live broadcast for the PS4/PS Vita game "Blue Reflection", going on sale March 30, 2017.

The seiyuu hosts were Kouno Marika and Hata Sawako. Takada Yuuki had been the host for the first two broadcasts, but she was absent this time. The other participants were Kishida Mel, the producer, and two writers.

There was also a press conference for Blue Reflection earlier in the day, which was also broadcast live.

They were broadcasting from a meeting room, which had a large table and six chairs. There were tablets and mikes on the table.

Marika and Sawako appeared in the room first. After a few minutes of talk, they called the other guests to the room.

After some short introductions, they talked about the game. They talked about the story of the game. They talked about the three main characters, and also the 12 other characters.

Then they showed a video of Mel drawing the three main characters on a blackboard with chalk. He said it was difficult at first, but after drawing one character he started to get a hang of it.

The last 10 minutes was about the sweets collaboration with the store Sweets Paradise. There will be a "Blue Reflection x Sweets Paradise Marui Kinshichou" collaboration between April 10 to April 23.

They brought out some of the food and drinks from the collaboration. Sawako ate some of the pancakes. Mel ate one sandwich. There was also a salad, and three different types of drinks.

Then there were some final messages by everyone.

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2024-05-20 21:46:19 +0900