Elize no Oheya 19

title Elize no Oheya 19
date 2020 12.25
broadcast youtube
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=U2yv5eiObhA
seiyuu Iida Riho (飯田里穂)
guest director of King's Raid anime

This was the 19th broadcast of the show for the anime and game King's Raid. The host was Iida Riho.

The guest was the director of the King's Raid anime, Mr. Hoshino.

They talked about episodes 10 and 11.

Episodes 13 and 14 will be broadcast tonight, and the ending song will be Riho's song "One Wish".

[Elize no Oheya]
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2024-05-19 15:31:03 +0900