Megami Radio 11 (2016.09.29)

title Megami Radio -Mega Radi- 11
date 2016 09.29
length 42 minutes
song 1, 2, 3, 4 (Hata Sawako)
hosts Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)
Ichimiya Saku
guest none

This broadcast was after the Venus Project live (on 9/24), but it was recorded before the live.

Some of the highlights from the talk..

Sawako and Saku have been doing this radio for two months, and Sawako was happy that Saku is getting closer to her.

A listener asked Saku why she wanted to become a seiyuu. She said that she wanted to do boy's voices.

Sawako asked Saku what kind of anime she watched when she was growing up. Saku answered (and said some titles), but it was all beeped out! The staff said that they can't mention anime titles on the program.

Sawako said that she likes clothes with lots of fabric. She likes skirts with lots of frills. She also likes pastel colors. Saku said she likes to dress like a boy, like a tuxedo.

Sawako said that she sat in the front row at a Tamura Yukari event once.

The song they played was "1, 2, 3, 4" by Hara Eriko (Hata Sawako).

After the song was the Venus News corner. The next Venus Project live will take place on October 23.

At the end, Saku announced that she will appear in a recitation event at Akihabara Pasela Resorts called "As You Like It" on October 3.

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2024-05-20 13:25:25 +0900