Karaoke Max tokuban

title Karaoke Max tokuban
date/time 2017 08.11 21:00-22:30
broadcast niconico
cost free + premium members
seiyuu Koyama Tsuyoshi
Uchida Yuuma (内田雄馬)
Nakamura Shuugo
video Itou Miku (伊藤美来)
Toyota Moe (豊田萌絵)

This was a live broadcast for the Karaoke Max event by Koyama Tsuyoshi. The guests were Uchida Yuuma and Nakamura Shuugo.

Tsuyoshi explained by he started this event series. He wanted to see seiyuu sing songs that aren't their own songs. So he started the Karaoke Max events. The next Karaoke Max event will be the 4th event.

They taked about some of the previous Karaoke Max events, and they even showed some video clips. There were clips of Tsuyoshi, Shuugo, and Yuuma.

For Shuugo's video they even showed some of the scenes where the seiyuu group Pyxis danced as the back dancers. They also showed a little of Shuugo and Yuuma's duet.

Then they talked about the next event. It will be held on 9/23 at Ichikawa Bunkakaikan (市川市文化会館). It was a hall that can hold around 2000 people.

There were going to be two sessions, and they announced the guests (but not all of the guests have been finalized yet).

The guests for the day session were as follows.
Hanamori Yumiri (花守ゆみり) , Suwa Ayaka (諏訪彩花) , Endou Yurika (遠藤ゆりか) , +one more
Uchida Yuuma (内田雄馬) , Yashiro Taku, Furukawa Makoto, Hanae Natsuki

The guests for the night session were as follows.
Machico, Ishida Haruka, Hata Sawako (秦佐和子) , Takahashi Minami (高橋未奈美)
Murase Ayumu, Nakajima Yoshiki, Itou Kento, Nakamura Shuugo

Then the free broadcast ended, and there was a special broadcast for the premium niconico members. This was around 20 minutes, and the three seiyuu just sang lots of karaoke. They all sang just the first verse of the songs.

singers song
Shuugo Tentai Kansoku
Yuuma Kaizoku Ou ni Ore ha Naru
Tsuyoshi Akai Sweet Pea
Shuugo Project A
Yuuma Hitomi wo Tojite
Tsuyoshi Nagai Yoru
everyone 2oku 4senman no Hitomi (full)

Karaoke Max broadcasts
[2017.08.11] [2018.02.08] [2018.06.01] [2018.11.06]

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2024-05-20 08:41:39 +0900