Seiyuu Hata Sawako to Oshaberi Shimasenka? 27

title Seiyuu Hata Sawako to Oshaberi Shimasenka? 27
date/time 2022 06.26 18:00-
broadcast line live
archive channels/ 5049457/ broadcast/ 20160024
seiyuu Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

This was the 27th free live broadcast by Hata Sawako on her "official" line live account.

Sawako said she modified some of the settings so her face looks more natural. It seemed her face was a little redder than in previous broadcasts.

Sawako said she is considering doing another birthday event this year. But it might be a broadcast like last year.

Sawako said that the next broadcast of Shawagohan will be one hour earlier than usual, because there will be a 8nen Radio special live broadcast at 20:00 on 7/8.

This broadcast was pretty smooth at the beginning, but after about 10 minutes the video started getting choppy, and even stopped from time to time. Later the video got better again.

Among the cold noodles in the summer, Sawako likes tsukimi toro soba the most. She said she doesn't like hiyashi chuuka that much.

At the end, Sawako said her good bye in a deep voice.

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2024-06-01 13:23:17 +0900