Emiri Miyu to Isshoni Game 2

title Emiri Miyu to Isshoni Game 2
date/time 2017 11.04
seiyuu Katou Emiri (加藤英美里)
Takagi Miyu (高木美佑)
guests Yamashita Nanami (山下七海)
Okuno Kaya (奥野香耶)
archive none

This was a special broadcast of the game program by Katou Emiri and Takagi Miyu. The guests were Yamashita Nanami and Okuno Kaya.

Before the program began, they were broadcasting some of the promo videos of the Hacka Doll songs.

During the show, they just played a lot of old games for around one hour. Some of the games they played were Donkey Kong, Kiby, Mario Kart.

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2024-05-17 19:12:32 +0900