Mahou Shoujo no Jikan - 1997.10.25

Title Mahou Shoujo no Jikan
Aired 1997 10.25
Songs Kamen Budoukai (Shounentai)
Chase Your Dream (Sakurai Tomo)
Drama Misa no Mahou Monogatari episode 2
Host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

Tomo guessed the opening song correctly.

Tomo played "Kamen Budoukai" by Shounentai, which was the song partially responsible for Tomo becoming an idol.

Tomo read some letters (from the staff) for the "rippuku" [anger] corner. This was a corner where she read letters about things that make people angry.

Tomo likes to eat breakfast at a coffee restaurant. She doesn't like it when they give her burnt toast..

When Tomo was shopping in Alta (Shinjuku), a salary man asked her if she wanted him to buy her some clothes.

There was another time when a young boy (probably younger than her) asked her if she would go out with him for money.

Tomo doesn't smoke. But her parents smoke, so she is used to the smoke around her and it doesn't bother her that much.

Then Tomo played her new song, "Chase Your Dream".

The drama was "Misa no Mahou Monogatari", episode 2, Nazo no Kyuukesuki.

[all CMs during the broadcast were for the Misa game.]

[Mahou Shoujo no Jikan]

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2024-05-19 18:51:54 +0900