TV Tokyo Evening news (1995.11.26)

Program TV Tokyo Evening news [6 PM]
Subtitle Seiyuu Ninki no Ura (声優人気の裏)
Date 1995 11.26
Time 17:30 - 17:55 (?)
Highlights Iwao Junko (岩男潤子)
Nozawa Nachi (野沢那智)
Higashi Saori (東さおり)

On the TV Tokyo (channel 12) evening news on 11/26, they had a special report called Seiyuu Ninki no Ura (声優人気の裏). They had interviews with Iwao Junko (岩男潤子), Nozawa Nachi (野沢那智), and Higashi Saori (東さおり). The total time for this special report was around 10 minutes.

They started out with an interview of some people in Animate. They asked about the people's favorite seiyuu, and got replies, "Mitsuishi Kotono, Hayashibara Megumi, and Inoue Kikuko."

They showed some clips of Say You Club , a TV program about seiyuu.

Iwao Junko

Nozawa Nachi

Higashi Saori

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2024-05-19 22:36:44 +0900