Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 3

Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 3

released 2008.11.21
5700 yen
49 minutes (anime)
10 minutes (tokuten)
16:9, region 2

This DVD contains episodes 5 and 6 of the TV anime Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu (乃木坂春香の秘密) .

This DVD contains the following seiyuu extras.

Himitsu no Kaigishitsu was a talk by the six main seiyuu, Hatano Wataru, Noto Mamiko (能登麻美子) , Gotou Mai, Shimizu Kaori, Ueda Kana (植田佳奈) , Satou Rina (佐藤利奈) . This episode of Himitsu no Kaigishitsu was around 6 minutes. It was Shimizu Kaori's turn, and the topic that she got was, "What's the method of stretching that works the most?"

[Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu DVDs]
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2024-05-18 19:13:03 +0900