Chorogons no Namahousou 5

title Chorogon no Namahousou 5
date/time 2017 03.01 22:00-
broadcast niconico
url watch/ lv291359259
archive none
seiyuu Kuwahara Yuuki (桑原由気)
Naganawa Maria (長縄まりあ)
Takada Yuuki (高田憂希)
Takahashi Minami (高橋未奈美)
guest Tamura Mutsumi

This was a live broadcast for the TV anime Kobayashi-san chi no Maidragon. The seiyuu hosts were the four main seiyuu of the dragons.

Tamura Mutsumi came as a surpise guest for the last 15 minutes. Even the four regular seiyuu didn't know that Mutsumi was going to come. Mutsumi came holding and drinking a beer.

[Kobayashi-san chi no Maidragon related broadcasts]
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2024-05-21 10:19:18 +0900