Chorogons no Namahousou 6

title Chorogon no Namahousou 6
date/time 2017 03.15 22:00-
broadcast niconico
url watch/ lv293006871
archive none
seiyuu Kuwahara Yuuki (桑原由気)
Naganawa Maria (長縄まりあ)
Takada Yuuki (高田憂希)
Takahashi Minami (高橋未奈美)

This was a live broadcast for the TV anime Kobayashi-san chi no Maidragon. The seiyuu hosts were the four main seiyuu of the dragons.

The Kobayashi-san chi no Maidragon bluray and DVD went on sale today. They showed the packages and the contents of the first press packages.

Takada Yuuki's birthday was the next day, so there was a cake for her. But the cake was actually a present for the winner of the game.

[Kobayashi-san chi no Maidragon related broadcasts]
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2024-05-22 07:59:31 +0900