Niku no Kuni 4

title Niku no Kuni 4
date 2018 04.18
broadcast showroom
seiyuu Taketatsu Ayana (竹達彩奈)
Kitou Akari (鬼頭明里)

This was the fourth broadcast of Niku no Kuni by Taketatsu Ayana and Kitou Akari.

Akari said she is having fun buying new clothes to match her new hairstyle (short hair).

The meat for today was beef tongue.

As part of the tasks, Ayana and Akari drew "cute" sketches of each other. Akari was very good at drawing, and drew a very cute Ayana.

They completed a lot of the tasks, so they were able to eat a lot of the beef tongue meats.

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2024-05-14 17:09:09 +0900