Niku no Kuni 12

title Niku no Kuni 12
date 2018 12.12
broadcast showroom
seiyuu Taketatsu Ayana (竹達彩奈)
Kitou Akari (鬼頭明里)

This was the 12th (and final) broadcast of Niku no Kuni by Taketatsu Ayana and Kitou Akari.

The food for this broadcast was an expensive meat buffet.

Since this was the last broadcast, they wanted to use up all of the meat coins that they had saved up. They played just enough games to earn the coins to get all of the meats.

The last 40 minutes or so was just eating and talking. They ate yakiniku, sukiyaki, and shabu shabu.

At the end, Akari asked if there was going to be a season 2 for this program. Then Ayana and Akari got some flowers from the staff.

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2024-05-19 12:47:26 +0900