Shimizu Ai books and magazines

Some of the books and magazines that Ai has appeared in are as follows.

2002.08HM3 SPECIAL vol 2article, interview, COLOR {9+1 P}
2002.11.10Animedia December 2002radio article, MONO {1/2 P}
2003.02HM3 SPECIAL vol 5interview, COLOR {2 P}
2003.04HM3 SPECIAL vol 6interview, COLOR {2 P}
2003.06.10Seiyuu Grand Prix July 2003articles, COLOR/MONO {1+4 P}
2003.07.10Seiyuu Grand Prix August 2003article, COLOR {2 P}
2003.08HM3 SPECIAL vol 8interview, COLOR {2 P}
2003.08HM3 SPECIAL vol 8interview, COLOR {1 P}
2003.10HM3 SPECIAL vol 9articles, COLOR {4+2 P}
2003.12HM3 SPECIAL vol 10event report, interview, COLOR {1+1 P}
2003.12.10Seiyuu Grand Prix Januaryarticle, Pastel interview, COLOR/MONO {1+1 P}
2004.02HM3 SPECIAL vol 11Pastel article, interview, COLOR {6+2 P}
2004.08HM3 SPECIAL vol 15interview, COLOR {2 P}
2004.10HM3 SPECIAL vol 16Poppins article, article, COLOR {7+2 P, cover}
2004.12HM3 SPECIAL vol 17article, interview, COLOR {6+2 P}
2005.01HM3 SPECIAL vol 18article, COLOR {6 P}
2005.04HM3 SPECIAL vol 21articles, COLOR {4+3 P}
2005.05HM3 SPECIAL vol 22event report, COLOR {3 P}
2005.06HM3 SPECIAL vol 23article, COLOR {6 P}
2005.07HM3 SPECIAL vol 24article, COLOR {4 P}
2005.10HM3 SPECIAL vol 27interview, COLOR {1 P}
2005.12HM3 SPECIAL vol 29interview, COLOR {1 P}
2006.04HM3 SPECIAL vol 33article, COLOR {2 P}
2006.06HM3 SPECIAL vol 35article, COLOR {2 P}
2008.01HM3 SPECIAL vol 54article, COLOR {1 P}
2009.09.10Newtype October 2009event report, COLOR {1/2 P}
2010.03.10Newtype April 2010event report, COLOR {1/2 P}
2011.05.09Asagei Secret Vol.12Seiyuu article, COLOR {4 P}

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